Not much is going on today, except for I think I'm getting the new Hunger Games book today, so that's exciting.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Okay, so I've got a lot to say (oh my gosh I rhymed!!!)
Yesterday I spent 7 hours and 15 minutes at the doctor's office/hospital place thingy. The doctors aren't really sure, but they think that I have 'Idiopathic Enlarged Blindspot Syndrome'. Basically that's just fancy talk for 'she can't see in some spots'. That's totally true. There are spots where I just can't see, no matter what I do. That sort of helps to explain why I have some trouble not walking into things.
So I had to do all these different tests. Basically my mom and I walked into the place at 7:23. The first test we did was sort of boring. For ten minutes (per each eye), I sat in a chair with one eye blocked, while I made a beeping noise with a button whenever I saw the lights flashing. That one was pretty easy on my part. All I had to do was make noise when I saw a light. It was that simple.
Then we talked to the doctor for a little while, and even though she was nice, I could tell that she didn't believe me that there were blind spots, because she thought I was too young to notice that I couldn't see in those spots. How did I notice? I'm just that weird that I keep one eye closed a lot. That's pretty much how I figured it out (plus there was the little fact of well, that I can't see very well ;P ).
Once she saw the test results though, she got it.
The next test was really hard. I had to wear these contacts that had wires in them. Then I had wires on my forehead and some on my ear, and those were all attached to something on my shirt that I couldn't see because if I turned my head the contacts would come out. That was the worst one, and I'm gonna have to do it again, because the right contact messed up.
Then we talked to the doctor again, and then I had to stare into this really bright light and they took pictures of my eyes. Then they injected this yellow die (via needle) into my arm and took pictures of it flowing into my eye. It was crazy. It wouldn't have been so bad if the dye hadn't made throw up.... but anyway.
Then they took more pictures of my eyes, and then they scanned them. Then we talked to the doctor again and I'm going to have to take steroids. I thought I was going to start them today, but it turns out that I'm starting them tomorrow.
After that, we went to a great Greek restaurant, and it was so much fun. Then we went to Michael's and I got some fake flowers and a really pretty iron on shirt thing. I got the flowers because on Saturday, I plan to go to the book party for the newest Hunger Games book. I'm dressing up as Rue, a twelve year old girl.
I'm going to wear camo-like clothes, and then cover myself in flowers like they did to her when she dies. It sounds weird, but it should be cool. I honestly can't wait.
Not much is going on with my day today though...
Saturday, August 21, 2010

hello world. So as you can see, things have changed quite a bit. Obviously, the template thingy is different. WAY different. Isn't it cute? I love it. :) Tell me: Should I change it or keep it??
Anyway, remember how I told you about the telemarketer's call? (If you don't, go ahead and read the post now, I'll wait.)
And.... we're back. So yeah, that's the story of the telemarketer. Well today, guess who called? Yup, another one. So what did I do this time? Something along the same lines. I screamed. Hard and loud. High pitched and shrill. It. Was. Wonderful. I know it's not very nice of me, and one day the Social Services are going to come arrest my mother for being terrible to her daughter whenever she talks on the phone, but oh gosh it's so funny. Anyway, that's not all.
My birthday is SORT OF coming up. (October) and I was wondering if you had any suggestions as to a book-themed/costume party. Tall order, huh? Yeah.
But what I also wanted to say is that my grandmother is moving, and so she's getting rid of a lot of her stuff. She has this really old typewriter in her basement that isn't set up, and she said that I could have it. So now I have a rusty old typewriter to my name. Most other twelve year old girls? Yay.... a typewriter... what do you do with it?... **yawn** Me? I scream. I smile. I laugh. I scream some more. I get too excited to breath, and I pass out and fall over. Then I start over again.
I had an audition the other day, and I was terrible, but it doesn't really matter because I have to go to my aunt's wedding, so I couldn't have made it to the shows anyway. It was still sort of depressing.
Today I made an amazing discovery. If you paint your nails black and then find a silver sharpie, it's way easy to do make little doodles and things on your nails and if I can do it and almost make it look cool, anyone else can make it look AWESOME. (those are pictures of them at the top. They're sort of blurry, but it's the best I could do, sorry.)
It's raining like there's no tomorrow. Hard. Pelting. Bullets hitting the ground. Hard.
Anyway, today, it was overcast and cloudy, and after my sister's 8:something AM, three of her soccer teammates, and another friend all went to a huge wave pool. It was so fun and I climbed about 40 flights of stairs in all to get to the slides, and I'm not exaggerating. It was SO much fun, and since the weather was weird, litterally about fifty people were there when we got there. It was AWESOME.
Now that we're home, the bottom of the clouds have dropped out. And now we find out that ANOTHER flood, only a little bit smaller than the huge one that ruined my town and the surrounding areas. When I say ruined, I don't mean like a little bit of damage. I mean that tons of people were absolutely homeless, and tons of buildings (TONS) got totally destroyed. They thought it was going to happen yesterday, but it didn't. :) So good. Yay. Happy thoughts.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
hello. i am so. very. bored.
yesterday i did something wonderful. i think i shall do it again. (i'm so bored i'm using words that are older than my family) My mother was taking a telemarketer's call, and as soon as she was about to hang up i yelled at the top of my lungs 'NO DON'T HURT ME'. Then I laughed until I cried. I honestly don't have much to say right now, because my life has been so normal for a while that I think that my family has been replaced by extraterrestrial clones from outer space.
I am starting another book (i know... i know) about a girl who moves to LA and does all the crazy things I've dreamed of doing. What do I mean by that?
*when she moves she puts a vibrating toy in the moving box and whispers to it "got enough air in there?" when she knows people are looking.
*She answers the telemarketers with different lies every time
*every time she rides the elevators she presses every button before anyone else gets on
Okay, now that i've run out of stupid things to say, I think i'm gonna go be bored some more.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hello world. Not much to say. I'm going to go to see Despicable Me today with my family, and that'll be fun.
OH YEAH THAT'S WHAT I WANTED TO SAY. Last night Kenzy and her family came over and we tried to make a 'contraption' that knocks this over which turns this on which blows that over which blah blah blah blah blah. It looked like it was going to go PERFECTLY, right? Wrong. After two weeks and eight hours of work, we thought it was going to work. EVERY. SINGLE. ASPECT. FAILED. i cried.....
Monday, August 9, 2010
OH MY GOSH I'VE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG!!! You know that feeling when you haven't showered in a really long time? I get that feeling when I don't write. My parents run a camp, and they had a three week camp, and it just ended today. It was so much fun that I can't believe that it's over.
A few of the campers (The youngest one was fifteen) had there own little sayings, like one was 'better than nothing' and another camper would always say 'one, two, three' and then everybody else would yell GAME POINT!! Really loud. It was awesome. Another camper had a bunch of shirts with tiny little pockets in them. There were literally two days where he wore shirts that didn't have pockets in them. Then there was a British dude, and they called him 'Dan, Dan, the English Man'. It was awesome. I had SUCH a great time at camp.
Sorry I haven't written in forever. Camp has taken a ton out out of me.
I saw The Last Air Bender, and I loved it, but it had a terrible script. I really did like it though.
We have a few friends coming to visit us, and my cousins and friends are here, and so we're having a blast.
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