My Polyvore Sets

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sorry It's been a while. But, the good thing is that now I have MANY things to say.

>First off, PICTURES.

This archway was about where the tears started. Yeah, I was crying. But think about it this way. Since I was five, I have absolutely LIVED for the Harry Potter series. And then I went there and stood in it. Wow. Super wow. Super huge freaking wow.

It was SO. COOL.

While we were there I did my first upside - down rollercoaster ever. Three times. Well there was another one but I only did it once. We had so much fun, even though some of my family were sick. We actually got to go with some great friends of ours, and we had a ton of fun together.

Then, the day after we got home (AKA yesterday) were the Jimmy Awards. That's the award show that we go to for the local theater company. My little brother won one, and we're all SUPER excited.

Also yesterday were the auditions for Annie Jr. I feel like I did okay, and I got a callback!! I'm not sure for what role, but the callbacks are tomorrow, so wish me luck!

Tonight we get to go see the show Shrek the Musical, which I am SO excited for. I've been listening to the music, and it's really great. We're going with three different friends of ours, which we coincidentally saw yesterday :)

Not much else to say right now, but I'll definitely be adding pictures some time later!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

I Love Life Today


No words for this.

So cool.


Okay so.

A list of things I know as of today:

1. Bus drivers can be AWESOME.
2. Harry Potter is even cooler than I initially thought.
3. I'm way to obsessed with said series.
4. Kissing the ground of parks in Florida is much less disgusting than it seems.
5. I love scary rides.
6. I don't like rides that are too scary.
7. Spiderman is cooler than cool.
8. Sometimes dangling from a 'Pterodactyl' can be slightly terrifying.
9. I'm not so bad at finding slightly lost people.
10. Butterbeer tastes better in your mouth than it sounds on the page.
11. Some people skip in line. Sometimes you just have to deal with it.
12. You will NEVER feel like you've had enough time in awesome places. AKA Universal Studios
13. Chocolate frogs are HUGE.
14. The train-dude for the Hogwarts Express is awesome.
15. Hogwarts has an awesome choir.
16. It costs too much to be a Ravenclaw.
17. Ollivander is a good person, but not so great a drawer....
18. Impaired vision makes seeing in the dark really hard.
19. Steroids make it hard to stand still or sleep.
20. I. Love. Florida.

Pictures are coming soon

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Random things that are on my mind.

Hello!! Okay, exciting things.

1. In only THREE DAYS we are leaving to go to the Harry Potter Wizarding world.

2. The day after we get back are auditions for Annie Jr.

3. The same day of the auditions are the awards for our theater.

4. The day after THAT we're going to see Shrek the musical.

5. Sometime this year the musical Le Miserables is coming to our town and I REALLY want to see it.

6. There are auditions for Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar this April. Not that I could get a part in either of them, but it would be fun to try out and possibly just be in the chorus.

7. In February we're going to Hawaii.

So that's my list of cool things going on right now. But I do wish that I were in a show or had some more auditions lined up, especially for something that I could get a role in, because it's not looking so good for this year. :( NEED. SHOW. BADLY.

I've discovered that I keep snatching shows out of thin air to be obsessed with. First it was Love Never Dies (The second Phantom of the Opera) and then it was Hairspray. Then it was Love Never Dies again, and now it's Le Miserables. So of course I've been listening to all the music and learning about the actors and stuff like that. SUCH PRETTY MUSIC. Ugh It's an incredible story, and I really hope that I get to see it.

My mother was asked to direct a show in our town, and of course I REALLY want her to because, well, I would like to see that side of it, but it probably won't happen. Oh well. A girl can dream, right?

My new favorite word is 'laconic'. Unfortunately I don't know many people who I can describe with it. I guess that's what happens when you hang out with a bunch of performers.

I know I'm boring you with all this 'acting' talk, but if there were any place I could be with a purpose right now it would be on a stage and in a costume. I haven't been in a show since DECEMBER. The thing is, I started a show in November, and then the day after it was over I launched myself into rehearsals for my next show. So since then I've been bored out of my head not having any rehearsals to go to. **screams**

Okay, I'm going to go take out my fury by screaming 'Avada Kedavra' at inanimate objects. ;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today is my brother's tenth birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYE!!!!!!

And in about a week we will be going to Florida to go to the Harry Potter Wizarding World. There are no words for the excitement I feel over this. So I won't even try.

Then the day after we get we're auditioning for Annie Jr. (hopefully I can be Grace....) and then that same day are the awards for that theater, and I think I'm up for a few, but I haven't been able to look at the ballot. Then the next day we're going to see Shrek the musical, which I am VERY excited about.

So life is spicing up a bit.

And, as requested, here is a little more of that Oracle story (which is actually called The Truth About the Oracle, but that just takes too long to write (; )

Chapter three, Yeah, right.

“Alright, but quietly. Listen, I’m going to say it quickly once, then I’ll go back and fill in the holes. Mummy’s an Oracle.”

I laughed. Not much, just a little bit. But… I mean, an oracle? It was all a bit much. I knew that oracles told the future and everything, but they were fictional. Fake. Not. Real.

“Okay. What’s wrong? Really?” I asked.

“Really. Mum’s an Oracle. She has been ever since before you were born. I don’t know how, I haven’t gotten there in my training yet, but I suppose I’ll learn eventually.”

“So you’re serious,” I said shortly. I was waiting for the punch line. But the punch line didn’t come.

“I’m very serious.”

“Why did you run away, Lucas?” I asked him straight. I hoped he would be just as straight with his answer. I should have known better.

“Mum’s not… well, like I said, she’s the Oracle. The Oracle isn’t like she is in the movies, Lucy, she’s unpredictable. She took Mum, so she’s not really… Mum anymore. I know you probably don’t understand, but basically, the Oracle changes hosts every now and then, and the Oracle chose Mum.

“The hosts are allowed one child. I was that one child… but then you came along. The Oracle got angry…”

“Wait!” I interrupted, forgetting myself. “Mom got angry because of me?” I asked. I was really that unwanted?

“No, Lucy, haven’t you been listening? The Oracle got mad.”

“But you said Mom was Oracle,” I said, confused.

“She was the host for the Oracle. That doesn’t make them the same person, even though they are close. Anyway, the Oracle got mad, because Mum had defied her orders. So, she took over Mum almost entirely, and… well, it wasn’t safe for you or Dad to stay with us anymore.

“Dad took you to here, to America, and you’ve been here ever since. Once you were gone, the Oracle pretty much let Mum go, even though she… reminded us… every now in then of who was in charge. When that happened, it wasn’t pleasant. But I at least knew that you were safe.”

I was still confused. “Then why did you run away? It sounds like you were happy.”

“Well, I had a cool life. I didn’t go to normal school, the Oracle’s minion sidekick thing taught me about the Oracle’s magic so that I could—“

“Woah woah woah. The Oracle’s magic? You didn’t say anything about magic.”

“It’s an Oracle, Lu, what did you expect?”

Lucas’s playful chide and nickname almost stopped me short. I had a brother. I had a brother and a nickname. I smiled in spite myself and nodded.

“Well, as soon as I started learning about the magic I realized that something was odd. Everything I learned made too much sense. It was like I’d almost known it all ready, and I was just being reminded. I told Mum last week, but the Oracle heard me too. The Oracle got excited and called me something… ‘the Ordan’. I don’t know what an Ordan is, but I am one. And… I can do magic.”

Lucas bit his lip, knowing that I probably wouldn’t believe him. And… did I believe him? I mean, come on. Magic? But Lucas had seen my doubt coming.

“Lucy, I didn’t fly here on a plain. I flew here by myself. Look.”

As I watched, Lucas held out his left hand. He took his right hand and swiped it over his left. When he revealed his hand again, there was a miniature white dove sitting on his hand.

I stared. The bird was as tall as my pinky finger, too small to have been real. But as I watched, it flapped its wings and flew to me, perching on my shoulder. I lifted my finger to it, and it nipped it softly before stepping on.

I moved the bird so that it looked me in the face, but as I did, it jumped off my finger. I expected it to fly away, but it didn’t. It dive bombed the ground, turning into a single feather before it hit the ground.

Lucas picked up the feather and tucked it in his pocket. All doubts I had in him were erased.

“Okay. So… Magic…” I said softly. Lucas smiled lightly before taking my arm again and leading me away from the library.

“Yeah. Well, the Oracle flipped out, tried to make me her minion. Took over Mum again, and it was bad. So I ran away. I found you, and now I’m here. I still don’t know what to do.”

“So… we have to research the Oracle. My history teacher at school…” I trailed off. School! I checked my watch. Fifteen minutes time. If I ran really fast… I took off.

“School. I have to get to school.” I told Lucas over my shoulder. He followed me.

“School? Lucy, did you hear anything I just said? This is the Oracle we’re talking about. Telling the future. Powerful magic. Could destroy the world?”

I stopped running.

“You didn’t say anything about destroying the world. Why would she do that?”

“I don’t know, but that’s what I heard her say.”

“It sounds like you left something out of your story.”

Lucas blushed, and went on. “I overheard her talking to her minion thing. He lives with us, teaches me and helps Mom do chores. I’ve always wondered why the Oracle needs him, and I found out why the other day. They thought I was asleep, but I’d come back downstairs to ask Mum a question.

“She was sitting in her chair, but the Oracle had her. She was talking to her minion, and she was talking about world domination.”

I almost wanted to laugh. This was ridiculous! But the look on Lucas’s face told me otherwise.

“Okay, so no school?” I asked him, trying to get a straight answer.

“No. We’ve got to get back to London. Immediately. You can meet Mum, and the Oracle, but you’ve got to pretend to be someone else. Mum’ll know who you are of course, you’re her daughter, she’ll know right away. But it’ll fool the Oracle, at least until she thinks to check Mum’s thoughts.”

He grabbed my arm again as he spoke and walked me to the edge of the street. He waved down a taxi and hopped in. I followed.

The way he talked was confusing; as if the Oracle and Mum… er, Mom, were the same person, and yet two individuals at the same time. It was more than disorienting. His forehead wrinkled.

“Did you understand any of that?” He asked me skeptically.


“That’s what I thought…” He turned away from me, and told the taxi driver where he wanted to go.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One exciting thing has happened since my last post.

I got a manicure. It was a bunch of fun, and it was also funny. My mom said she'd wanted to take me since I turned thirteen (which was, well, last year.). I got my nails done a dark blue, and it's really pretty. My mom got hers done in a peach color, which is really pretty even though she doesn't like it.

I have some more of The Oracle story, but I'm not going to post it unless you ask for it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Not much to say, and I haven't uploaded my pictures from New York into my computer, so right now I have pretty much nothing interesting going on.


Um............ what did the grape say to the olive???

Olive you!!!


Get it?? Olive you? The grape loves the olive? Yeah okay I get it, the joke stinks.

NO WAIT!!! I have one exciting (Well, exciting to me) thing to say. My red wig is awesome. Superly awesome. So here are a couple of pictures with terrible lighting, and you can't really see the wig, but hey I tried.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I got a red wig. Nothing more needs to be said.