My Polyvore Sets

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hello all. I'm sitting on a tour bus (long story) in Kentucky (longer story) watching disney channel (longest story of all.). This one keyboard player is sitting next to me explaining to me things about the Jonas Brothers and Hanna Montanna. You just never know who people really are until you bring up Disney Channel. 

Right now I am wearing a bright orange sweater. I love this sweater. This sweater is my life. It is warm. It is fuzzy and soft. It is comfortable. I'm sitting down on a bench in a bus. 

Random thoughts of my wondering mind: 
Miley Cyrus **Grrrrrr**
Uncle Reci Reci Reci...
hotel rooms. 

Speaking of hotel rooms, i'm going to one now. So i'll talk later. Baiiiiii!!!!!


  1. are random.

    oh, and, please don't tell me you like miley cyrus. nothing against you if you do, but if i see her i will be mad, MAD MAD MAD. I hate her music....

  2. oh i hate miley cyrus. I was just thinking about her cause they were making me watch Viola Iowa or Katie Kansas or something like that.
