(This post was mostly written yesterday...)
Okay. So. I have a TON to talk about. First of all, Mom woke me up today by telling me I got a job. Most kids would be all *groan* a job... I'm like
Okay. So. I have a TON to talk about. First of all, Mom woke me up today by telling me I got a job. Most kids would be all *groan* a job... I'm like
Why? Because my job is as a model. On Monday I'm going to model for Dollar General (I know, right? So not what you were thinking about
when I brought up 'modeling', but it does pay well). So yeah, that was exciting.

Seussical is going... well, it's going. Let's leave it at that.
Today was our dance recital, and I was in seven dances. It was SO. MUCH. FUN. I got to help out with the little girls (they were about three to five years old) and they were SO FLIPPIN ADORABLE. One of them had these oober long eyelashes, and she was absolutely drop dead gorgeous.
I got to dress up like a caterpillar, and the costume was so funny I loved it. I also got to run down the isles for tap, and that was as blast. Yesterday was the dress rehearsal, and when we got onstage (The curtain was closed) for our modern dance, we realized that it was the wrong music and had to run offstage again before the curtain opened. It was a total movie moment. During the recital, one of the dancers got sick and the grownups didn't really want her to finish the show cause they were afraid that she might get too sick. Of course, her being a very determined person, she not only finished it, but was amazing. For one of the dances, we got to wear these black sparkly hats. They literally shed glitter. This morning, I woke up and found glitter from the night before. All the dancers, even the ones who weren't in the dance, ended up covered in sparkles.
So after the dance recital, seven of us went out to Cheesecake Factory and had dinner at ten'o'clock. It was SUPER FUN. (Kenzy came too). We got there, and we were so crazy and dance-drunk that we did some... interesting things... Like, when we first got there, we were being so loud I thought that they were going to kick us out. Then, four of us decided to go check out the bathrooms cause it seemed like they would be really nice. So, we stood up, and totally over-strutted into the restaurant (we were sitting outside). Then, we were strutting through the place, when one of the waiter dudes came up with us and started TOTALLY STRUTTING. In short? BEST WAITER DUDE EVER!!!! He was awesome. Then before we walked outside, we were dancing to the music that they were playing, and a security guard came over. We started running to the bathroom. It was sooooo funny.
My new favorite song is Poker Face, but the GLEE cast version. It rocks. I just saw a video of this girl that my parents know singing, and she was absolutely amazing. It sort of rewrote how I thought of myself.
I just auditioned for To Kill A Mockingbird, and it would be really awesome if I got it, because it's a great paid job, but it would also possibly ruin my chances of going to South America. :(
I'm reading Lies right now, which is the third book in the Gone series, which you really should read. I'm also reading the latest 39 Clues book. (I know.. I know...)
We went out to Kentucky a few days ago for a concert. I took a picture of this link chain fence, and it almost turned out cool...ly.... (cooly? Cool like? I don't know.)
(now it's the next day and I'm writing again)
Today we went to camp and I got to take apart a flooded piano. I got to keep The Middle C key. If you look at them (you can only see it once it's been taken apart) you'll see that they're numbered. Mine is number 42.
Daddy let me drive the car, but...as I'm still twelve, it's sort of illegal...
STATUS REPORT: Wishing that I could fly... and wanting to sleep.
Just wondering... were you in an eyeglasses commercial? I saw someone in it that I thought looked like you!