I was an ipod,
and generally awesome stuff ensued. I had to sew though, so that wasn't good. Luckily, I have awesome friends and parents who majorly helped me ;) . I had my birthday party on Halloween, and a couple of friends spent the night too. SO. MUCH. FUN.
We all went to make icing for the cake, but it was really hard, because I really messed it up, and it was all lumpy and liquid-y. Giggles were a big part of the cooking that day. We had a hugely scary haunted house at my party, and I litterally screamed the whole way through. No joke.
This month I'm doing something called National Novel Writing Month, which is where you have to write a novel in a month. My novel has to be thirty thousand words long, and so I've realized that if I write at least a thousand words a day, (that's about ten pages) I can finish the book easily. My book is called Box me in, and it's about this teenager who's EXTREMELY (almost border-line autistic) claustrophobic. One day in November she starts to forget everything about herself gradually, until she doesn't know anything that she hasn't been told. Then, she starts to remember things about herself again, until she knows everything there ever was to know, except for she can't remember why she was ever afraid of confined spaces in the first place. Then she finds out that a medical center as figured out how to wipe minds when they need to be wiped, and they wiped her mind so that she could forget that she was claustrophobic in the first place. I'll put it on here if you want.

My show closed, :,( but I also started a new one. So far rehearsals have been kind of (perish the thought!!) boring, but that's just because right now I don't have anything to do. Hopefully that'll change really soon.
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