Things that have happened to me while in NYC: (good or otherwise)...
1. Random man walking down the street (seemingly about my siblings): .... children can be so stupid...
Me (to stupid man): Oh, just so you know? Just because you're not talking to us, doesn't mean we can't hear you.
2. Brother: Hey, Cam, lets have a snowball fight!
Old lady walking down street: Don't hit me, I'll slap you!
3. Me: [tries to climb over huge pile of snow-ice and falls]
Nice man: [grabs me before I hit the ground]
4. Me: [knows every song in the show-tunes/oldies singing-waitress places]
5. Me: [illegally taps the Michael Angelo sculpture just to say she's done it...]
6: Me: [answers lost phone and reads through the texts with her mom to find out who this person is. (Turns out the phone belonged to a college student named Jen from Hawaii. She lost her phone in Central Park and then bought a new one and went to Florida. Apparently her friend Joey 'needed a true friend right now' and spent some time with her... Now I feel guilty for reading them, but I only read two, and they helped find the owner.)]
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