My Polyvore Sets

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hi everyone, it's me. I just wanted to take a minute to explain something. If yo y notice, a lot of blogs have cool templates and backgrounds. I could probably find one somewhere, but it is most likely that i won't. And I would like to explain why. I've kind of rubbed off on my blog (Well duh). It's plain purple. It's not showy, or 'special looking' and that's kind of where I'm coming from. I'm not a showy person. I try not to show off, even though I fail sometimes (the games), I'm not a beauty, 'never have been and never shall be' (the plain purple', but... I guess my personality makes it believable. I mean, you've seen pictures of me. Honestly I'm not that special.

But now back to the fun stuff. My dad is coming home from his book signing tour tonight. As long as he doesn't get stuck on the ice I am beyond excited. He has my brother with him, as well as a friend of mine that is coming to stay with us for a week. I. Can't. Wait. Even though we'll still have to do school, we're going to have a blast. Not really anything new or exciting around here, we've been stuck in the snow for a while, but the Jimmy awards that I was looking forward to? They're no longer day before yesterday.

They were supposed to be the twenty-ninth, but they got moved into February. And the Honk auditions that were supposed to be yesterday? Those are now tomorrow. If we can get there. So now all I can do is worry that I won't be able to go... Wish me broken legs!!! (theater term, don't freak.)

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