My Polyvore Sets

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hi. 'Tis me. Here I go again with the short sentences. Today I came up with two new book ideas. The first stinks and will never go anywhere. The second is actually okay and I might write some of it later and show you guys. It's about a fifteen year old girl who's father died when she was two. Her mother is considering getting married again, and she doesn't want her to. Then she meets a boy who is her same age and can travel through time (I know, I know, but I never said it was going to be realistic.). He takes her back to months before her father died and she pretends to be someone else and get to know him. Then she realizes the night of the fire that either she lives or her father lives. (he dies saving her). She realizes that even though it's selfish, it would mess up the wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff. So in the end she saves everything by deciding not to save her father and live with the fact that she at least was lucky enough to meet her father. Is that okay?? Be honest and tell the truth.

I have to ask your opinion. I was writing the song the other day, something I try to do, but don't, and I came up with this line:

go the distance
keep the door open
crack the window
even if it's broken

Everyone I've showed it to (aka my mother and my brother) thought that I meant shatter the window. I meant crack it open, like open the world of opportunity, even if it looks like it won't work. And then of course a door as in a door that you can go through where there's something great on the other side... what do you think??? DId you hear it as breaking or opening??? Will you tell me whether it should change or stay the same?? Please???



  2. hahahaha i thought you would.

    ps,*saying it at the same time that your saying it* I LOVE ALL THE WIBBLY WOBBLY TIME WIMEY STUFF

  3. ok, so, i love the story idea, cool!

    and, i really like the line thingy. i think that its REALLY cool to have the "crack open the window line" as meaning 2 different things. it makes the reader really wonder!

    i love it

  4. you see, she's a novelist AND a songwriter. i try. and fail. she tries. and prevails.
    oooohhh that rhymed!!!

  5. are you kidding? that's pretty much the first song that I've ever written that was over fifty seconds long and makes sense... well, kind of. (hahaha katiek, 'ooh that rhymes! Woah, total blonde moment...')
