Heyhey, it's me. (Well duh, you say, of course it's you!) So yeah. Right now I've just gotten back from our rehearsals for Honk Jr. It's been a ton of fun so far, and we open in just TWO DAYS!!!! Ecstatic doesn't cover it. I'm excited, ecstatic, thrilled, exhilarated, enlivened, enraptured, adrenalized, psyched, enthusiastic, and any other adjective (positively superfluous of course) that rocks like that. But anyway, about my costume. No pics yet, but hopefully I'll have some by tomorrow. My mandarin costume consists of: -black leotard -
grey tights -black mary-jane-ish shoes -a BRIGHT
yellow kimono -and chopsticks for my hair. Then, I have a Dot costume. That is -black leotard -
grey tights -same shoes -
navy blue skirt -
navy blue shirt -
white aviator hat -black goggles -
white scarf. Then, I have a frog costume. -Black leotard -
Grey tights -Black and
white bow tie -Black and
white tux-ish thing -
Dark green pants -
White button down shirt -
Green hat -Same shoes. Then, my snow costume is really just my frog costume without the hat. Lots and lots of costume changes. Oh yeah, I also play a girl who breaks a window with a baseball (as Neville would say: "Why's it always me?"), but that's a voiceover thing.
So far the show's been ridden with teenage drama, but I've been lucky enough to stay out of it. They do this thing called the chalice, where I do plays, and it's something that the director think's is fitting for the play that is passed through the cast every night to people that you think is doing the right things. So..... here's an example. The director gave out the first chalice today to a girl for smiling all the time onstage and being patient. Now tomorrow night she'll choose a person that she thinks is being great for some reason, and give it to them, and so on. It's really cool.
Tomorrow they're taping the show, so wish me broken legs (theater term, you might know it, but if you don't, don't freak out (:)!
Other than that, I have an account on this website called polyvore, it's REALLY cool.
HERE is a link to my page.
So yeah, hopefully I'll post again later, but that's been my day.
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