My Polyvore Sets

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hola world. So, if you were wondering, which I'm sure none of you were, what my new obsession is, I'm here to tell you. Now that Honk Jr. is over, I had to find another show to be excited about. It didn't take me long. Yup, now I'm all hyped up on Seussical Gas. If you don't know the show Seussical the Musical you are wasting your time and need to go look it up and then keep reading. If you do know the show, you're awesome; keep reading. 

They're doing the show at the community theater where I live. I now know almost all of the lyrics to the show, especially to the role that I really want, Gertrude. My favorite songs are Notice, Horton; Solla Sollew; and Alone In The Universe. I'm going to try out for three roles: Gertrude, JoJo, and Sally. I REALLY hope I get in, so wish me broken legs. I'm not sure when the auditions are, but I'll tell you (If you care :P) 

So yeah, that's my world right now except for on Saturday I'm going to an EASTER EGG HUNT!!!!! I can't WAIT. My best friend in the world is hosting it, she does every year. I've known her since (almost literally) I was born. There were five of us that have grown up together just like that. So yeah, I should have a fun week. Had a great dance class tonight, but it's time for some sleep. Have a nice week! 

1 comment:

  1. cool! sounds fun! hopefully i'll get to do this musical, but if not, i'll always have Oklahoma! so yeah. ;)
