There's nothing that new going on around the house, but my five year old brother is devoted to trying out for the elephant bird in Seussical. I figured out what I'm singing for the audition. It's from the show, and it's called Notice Me, Horton. It's such a FUNNY/SWEET song. I LOVE it.
There are a lot of things I love. Here's a list:
Cheese, Kira-Kira, Tennyson, baby baboons, musical theater, books, pictures, music, acting, HARRY POTTER, salsa, writing, Seussical the Musical, art class, playing piano, traveling, randomness, nail p

olish, singing, converse, my bed, my house-bag, Pete school, chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, chocolate covered hazel nuts, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered anything, polyvore, water, swimming, ballet flats, sun glasses, HARRY POTTER, and much much much much much MORE :)
Earlier today I drew a dark mark on my left arm. Pictures??? Oh yeah.
(ps, earlier, my dark mark started ***burning***!!! I was all 'oh my gosh The Dark Lord is calling me from the grave!!!')
HAHA!!! kinda like the time i said 'Alohamora' to my trunk when it wouldn't open and it DID!!!!