I got this off of Kenzy's blog, and for some reason the font won't go away.
Top 3 (Official) Authors:
JK Rowling
Julia DeVillers
Victor Wooten
Top 3 male characters:
Ron Weasley
JK Rowling
Julia DeVillers
Victor Wooten
Top 3 male characters:
Ron Weasley
George Weasley
Septimus Heap
Peter Pan
Nicko Heap
Simon Heap (I know... I know... that's four...)
Top 3 female characters:
Ginny Weasley
Grabrielle Delacour
Jenna Heap
Top 30 fiction books/series in no particular order:
Top 30 fiction books/series in no particular order:
1.Harry Potter
2.Septimus Heap
3.The Witch of Blackbird Pond
4.Penny from Heaven
4.Penny from Heaven
5.Percy Jackson
7.Double Identity
8.The 39 Clues
9.Anne of Green Gables
11.The Amaranth Enchantment
12.Peter Pan
13.Kira Kira
14.The Music Lesson
15.Project Paris
16.Summer at Jane's
18.Running Out of Time
19.Trading Faces
22.Scared to Death
23.Peter and the Starcatchers
24.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
26.Kalapana (Not a novel, but a GREAT book)
27. What a Beautiful Day (Same as the last)
28.Lily Dale
29.A Faraway Island
31.The Secret Garden
(That's 30, right?)
Top 3 books most recently read:
Top 3 books most recently read:
A Faraway Island
Running Out of Time
Worst 3 books ever read:
Devon Delanie's something (Sorry Kenz)
Clique (Sorry Quinny (=)
... that's only two, but... that's all I've got. I like most of the books that I read, and even these two I didn't not-like too badly.
Top 5 scenes from any book:
1.Harry Potter... mostly... well... everything.
2.Kira Kira.... mostly everything again.
3.(WARNING: possible spoiler) Tennyson... where she finds out her mother's not coming back
4.Running Out of Time... the end of the book.
The book(s) that made me cry the most:
The book(s) that made me cry the most:
Kira Kira (and I barely ever cry)
The book(s) that made me laugh the most:
The 39 Clues
Harry Potters
The book(s) that made me feel that best at the end:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Witch of Blackbird Pond
Contemporary or Historical?
I dunno...
Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror?
Not so sure about the 'horror' thing...
Witch of Blackbird Pond
Contemporary or Historical?
I dunno...
Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror?
Not so sure about the 'horror' thing...
Hardback, Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback?
Dude, if it's a book, it's a book.
Barnes & Noble or Amazon?
Bookmark or dog-ear?
Neither. I memorize the page number. (but I do use bookmarks when I have to. Deface the book, and you have to deal with me)
Alphabetize by auther, alphabetize by title, or organize not at all?
The fictional series are by title, and the fictional books by author, but I haven't gotten to the non-fiction yet...
Star Wars or Star Trek?
What the heck does this have to do with books?
What the heck does this have to do with books?
Keep, Throw Away, or Sell?
Keep it. I'm starting a library from my home.
Keep dust-jacket or toss it?
Read with dust-jacket or remove it?
I honestly don't know.
Little Women or Anne of Green Gables?
Never read LW, but the music ROCKS. As a book though, I'd say AoGG
Short story or novel?
Novel. But if the short story is good....
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
If I'm so tired that my eyes cross (it does happen) I stop.
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
Tear Jerker or Belly Laugh?
Tear Jerker or Belly Laugh?
Charlotte, Emily, or Anne Bronte?
Buy or Borrow?
Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendations, or Browse?
Usually by browsing.
Collection (short stories by author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Standalone or Series?
Tidy ending or Cliffhanger?
If it's a series, cliffhanger. and sometimes if it's a normal book, i MIGHT like a cliffhanger....
Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
All the time!
Favorite genre series?
Hmm.... Dunno
Hmm.... Dunno
New or used?
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
All Kenzy's books.
i completely understand about Devond Delany. Really crappy book. x)
ReplyDeleteoh and thanks.... :)
There are a few problems with this post. First, i didn't read that book. Second, that's not four male characters, that's a bit more. So yeah, if there are any things that don't make sense, it's just me being stupid.