My Polyvore Sets

Friday, April 9, 2010

K. So, it's been a while, but here I am. I didn't post intentionally, hoping that at least ONE of you would comment on my last post. Oh well, didn't work. So yeah. My water's fixed, that's no longer a problem. 

Something funny that happened to me the other day: We had a plumber who was at our house. (I know what you're thinking. 'Um....' just keep reading) I was doing my nails, I was done with school. I was putting my name on my fingernails (I know I know, ten isn't divisible by three) with nailpolish and I had just finished. I walked out to the deck to show my mom. She was talking with the plumber (just wait, it gets funnier). "Look what I did Mom?" and I showed her my hands. The plumber looks over with interest (A not-so-thin guy who was my Mom's age) and says "You know, next time you should try using markers, they go on much thinner." I felt so dumb. The plumber was giving me tips on how to do my nails. I will never judge a plumber by it's cover ever again.

Random fact: if you squeeze an egg at EGG-ZACTLY  the point and blunt edges, it won't break. 

Easter was a bunch of fun. We went to one of my BEST friend's house for a party. (Addiecat) It was a blast, and we stayed till dark. The next day we went with one of my GREATEST friends (she's also our old nanny) ever to see Alice in Wonderland. Her husband and mom came with us. It was really good, I liked it a lot. 

Still super excited about Seussical. Cant. Wait. I've been writing a new book, but I haven't told anyone yet. Actually, you all are the first to hear about it. I'm not going to show anyone until one or two chapters are done, and you guys have to ask for it. I'm not sure whether it will work out, so I don't want to jinx it. 

Random fact: Some people think that the story of Peter Pan is from the German genre of the 'Tales of the Dead Children'. That would mean that Peter and everyone in Neverland are actually dead and in their afterlife. That is one of my least favorite facts ever. I don't want it to be true. :(

So one more thing. Backup story: I sleep in a bunk bed. beside the bunk bed is a book shelf where I keep my Ipod. So yeah, back to the story. I was going to get my Ipod off of my shelf, and I hopped up on the lower bunk bed. I didn't realize it, but I looped my left arm through the metal bars of my bunk bed. I grabbed my Ipod and did what I normally did: jumped. My arm was still stuck. So yeah, it got messed up. It hurts to move it and use it in pretty much every way. 

So yeah, that's my week. 


  1. A PLUMBER commented on your nails!?!?!? That is weird . . .

  2. Awesome plumber!!!!!!!!!!
    Aww I hope your arm feels better soon..... :)

  3. Wow! A plumber! Thats weird!!!! I got the coolest nail kit. Its like a stamp where you stamp it on the nail(cool)

  4. Luckycat: but you don't like 2 paint nails... oh well, show it to me next time. I comment on ur blog all the time! Kenzy: Yes, he's now on top of my 'favorite plumbers' list. Golden Eagle: Yeah, it was awkward for a minute, but he was cool about it.
