My Polyvore Sets

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So, thanks for commenting on the comment post. You all still have a few more days, right? Don't give up!!! Not sure if I made this clear, but I am going to make a cool polyvore set award for the person who comments the most. If you still haven't checked out the website, this is the link to my page: Home - Polyvore 

Okay, so. You probably don't know this, but I have started writing another book. (I know... I know.. you really don't want to hear about it) But haha, you have to. So, it's Peter Pan, but not. It's kind of like..... well..... nothing you've read of mine before. I would like to upload a book that I'm writing and show it to you all, but I can't decide which one. So, for the first time (hopefully), choose a book by it's cover and vote on the poll, and then when the poll expires I'll see which has the most votes. 

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