On Tuesday we started working on our eggdrop project. It's the traditional 'Don't Break the Egg' deal. My first three failed... Epicly. The next one was an epic win, so the epic kind of cancels out. First, I tried to fill a bouncy ball with cotton and an egg. I dropped that and the egg broke. Then I tried stuffing an egg up a stuffed bunny's mouth and then tied it's head up with bubble wrap (How's that for Easter spirit, hey?) and that one broke too. The last one I tried that day was I wrapped the egg in cotton and some felt, taped it too some cardboard wings, and dropped it on the floor. It broke. So yeah, those three weren't so great.
Some time during the week I found out that I had to make another egg drop to show on Friday. So I grabbed an old teddy bear, cut up it's stomach, tied two p
lastic-bag-parachutes to it's arms, taped the bear to a HE-UGE piece of cardboard. Then I tied two more parachutes to the 'wings'. That one worked. YAY!!!!
Thursday morning, we were getting ready for the dentist (Grrrr) and I went to go grab my Ipod. I hopped up on the bottom of my bunkbed and looped my arm through the metal bars instead of through like I usually do. I didn't realize my arm was stuck until I jumped. Just to back you up, I don't do the 'hurt' thing. I cry when I'm angry, and ignore it when I'm hurt. But it *really* hurt this time, so we went to the dentist, and then to the doctor. They said i
t wasn't broken, but we're at the doctor's office again right now getting it x-rayed (Spelling???). Oi to the world. So yeah, I had a wonderful Thursday...
Then Friday was fun and Saturday was cool and Sunday was awesome. My parents run a camp, and I get to help out some. Well, that camp starts tomorrow, and so there are all these people that are at my house and at the camp grounds. My grandmother and her friends are here, so we're having a blast. There will hopefully be tons of pictures of camp if I get the chance to take a few good ones. So yeah, that was my Sunday.
Now, I'm sitting at the doctor's office and writing about my week. My dad
came back from MD. He runs the camp mainly, so he kind of has to be here...
Fun Fat: Einstein was mentally ill. When they looked at his brain after his death, they found out that his was different than everyone else's.
This is a crazy polyvore set that I made. It's messy and crazy and I

think it's rather cool.
Soooooooo yeah. That's mostly it for now... Unless-- OH YEAH!!!
Fun Fact: Even though everyone knew Einstein was a genius, no one would let him on the board that was working with the nuclear bombs during WWII. They said it was because he was German, but he was also Jewish.
Okay, now I remember what I wanted to say. A really cool book just came out, it's the eighth 39 Clues book. It's a fun series, not really that sophisticated, but I like it. I have all of them, and I like them because they intertwine history with mystery. (Hey that rhymes!)
Here is a list of some of my favorite names:
Justin Case
Justin Time
Chuck E. Cheeze
Miss Terry Case (read that one a little bit faster than the others and it'll make sense)
Tess T. Mony
Tess L. Ation
I'm hoping that everyone understands the last one. If not, I can explain. The word 'tessellation' is hard to explain without a picture, so look at the picture and then keep
Okay, so when I wrote that, I was at the doctor. I'm not any more. That was yesterday. I'm fine, nothing's broken, I'll live. Camp started today, and so... yeah. Hopefully I'll have more to talk about later.
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