My Polyvore Sets

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tags... again.

Argh. I've been tagged. Again! Oh well, I'm supposed to tell five 'secrets' about myself. Secrets??? I don't do secrets very well. In my head secrets bound around in my head and then make me feel guilty. So here are five:

1. I never had any celebrity crushes. As of this month, things have changed: Peter Pan, Theodore Chester, Freddie Highmore, and Haku (And yes, he's a cartoon).
2. When I was little I was totally convinced I could fly.
3. uhh.... When I was little all the 'crushes' I had were actually people that I wanted to be my older brother.
4. My ego is w-a-y bigger than I want it to be
5. I hate my toes.

Isn't that pitiful? So now I have to tag people. I don't like tagging people, but here we go. I tag:



  1. YOU CAN'T TAG ME AGAIN THAT'S NO FAIR!!!!!!! *sticks tongue out* fine. gr. i'll do it tomorrow. x)

  2. and get your brother to follow my blog!!

  3. ok so if you tag me then i have to tell 5 secrets about myself????

    p.s. PLEASEPLEASE i am D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E!!!! i need comments.
