Hey everyone, it's Kai. Today was the Honk Jr. auditions!!! I sang 'I'm Not Afraid of Anything'. It was so much fun!!!! My friend from Ohio is here and so far we've had a great time... or at least I have. We find out whether we got into the musical or not tomorrow, and I'm not sure if I can wait that long. I have just discovered the saying 'I'm not short I'm funsized' and 'bad spellers of the world untie' today, and so I am officially the happiest person on earth. So far, it's between the third and last one name for my book. I'm not very far along in it yet, but I plan to post it soon.
Not many people know it, but the term 'break a leg' (meaning good luck in theater speak) actually comes from the fact that a long time ago there were wooden 'legs' at the edge of the curtains. When people took enough bows, the legs would break. Then came the saying 'break a leg'.
Upstage and Downstage also have cool histories. A long time ago instead of the seating, the stage would be tilted towards the audience. Upstage would mean going to the back of the stage, whereas downstage would be in the front. Then some genius suggested tilting the chairs instead. Thank you very much!!!!!!