My Polyvore Sets

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ransdom, ransdom stuff

Pictures pictures pictures. I was being stupid a couple of days ago, and while using all sorts of odd things (including heated tootsie rolls) to make atoms for my homework, I taped some black stage tape to my eyes to 'look like one of those guys on TV that don't want you to know who they are'. Yeah... 

Yesterday me and my sister went to a father-daughter dance. There were mostly younger girls there, and it was hilarious to watch. There was one girl in a bright blue flamenco dress, multiple girls who were rolling on the floor with their skirts going everywhere, and almost all of the girls screamed bloody mur
der any time that anyone muttered the words 'Taylor Swift'. It was really fun though, and I liked it. This is a pic of my sister Star in her dress. The picture is a little blurry, but it's her in her dress with her hair half up half down, and she's wearing what we call her 'Cho Chang Dress', because it is some kind of foreign something from somewhere Foreignese. 

Speaking of Foreignese, I was talking to my friend the other day, and when she asked me (kidding of course) where 'Foreignese' was, I promptly answered 'It's that blank spot in the back of your brain that makes your hair go blonde'. I think we might have laugh our heads off at that. 

Thanks to Maia for commenting. I mean come on, the aliens can't be that hard to defeat, right? Or do they have Elder wands or sonic screwdrivers??? Or maybe they are just trying to keep you from the atrocity of my blog. Is it really that bad??? :) Just kidding, but you guys still aren't making the best come back from your drought of reading/commenting/doing-absolutely-anything. So try again, people, try again!!!

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