My Polyvore Sets

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I GOT IN!!!!

Hey all, it is I. Today we got the cast list for Honk Jr.!!! We were on the phone practically all day, and then once it finally came up, we couldn't believe what we heard. My oldest brother got the title role!!! My sister got the role of Fluff, and I'm Dot. I love the name, and it's a fun role, just a little bit weird, because the boy playing opposite me is three years older than I am. I know him though, so that makes it easier. I think it really will be a fun show, and we had our first rehearsal tonight, we just got back. It was really fun. It's nice because this being my eighth show there, I know almost ninety percent of the cast. It's a ton of fun. No rehearsal tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be able to see Anne Frank again with my friend that's here from out of town. All in all I'm kind of giddy and overly happy. :) :) :) Bye!!!



  2. cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!

  3. hey maia when are you going to post again on your blog??

  4. okay, kai.
    i tagged you.
    so what you do is answer the same questions that i answered on my blog and then you tag other people who follow you and have a blog.
    so i guess you just go to my blog and copy-paste my questions, delete my answers and........ proceed.
