My Polyvore Sets

Monday, January 24, 2011

I Love Life Today


No words for this.

So cool.


Okay so.

A list of things I know as of today:

1. Bus drivers can be AWESOME.
2. Harry Potter is even cooler than I initially thought.
3. I'm way to obsessed with said series.
4. Kissing the ground of parks in Florida is much less disgusting than it seems.
5. I love scary rides.
6. I don't like rides that are too scary.
7. Spiderman is cooler than cool.
8. Sometimes dangling from a 'Pterodactyl' can be slightly terrifying.
9. I'm not so bad at finding slightly lost people.
10. Butterbeer tastes better in your mouth than it sounds on the page.
11. Some people skip in line. Sometimes you just have to deal with it.
12. You will NEVER feel like you've had enough time in awesome places. AKA Universal Studios
13. Chocolate frogs are HUGE.
14. The train-dude for the Hogwarts Express is awesome.
15. Hogwarts has an awesome choir.
16. It costs too much to be a Ravenclaw.
17. Ollivander is a good person, but not so great a drawer....
18. Impaired vision makes seeing in the dark really hard.
19. Steroids make it hard to stand still or sleep.
20. I. Love. Florida.

Pictures are coming soon


  1. i want to be where you are
    *pictures coming soon*

  2. i'm commenting again. i am SO totally jealous.
