My Polyvore Sets

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ok, so. I have a BUNCH of pictures of a BUNCH  of things that I've done lately. Well, not so lately. Here's the deal: I lost my camera charger. Or rather, my mother borrowed my camera charger without telling me, thinking it was hers. So my camera died in the middle of one of my 'self shooting' photo shoots. So now I have a BUNCH of pictures to show you.

these first few are of an Easter party I went to. Then there are some of my sister's friend's back yard. It reminds me of a secret garden.

This one's of my brother being... silly =)

Since I am too lazy to drag all of the pictures down myself, the ones at the top are of: my new mobile that I made, my closet photo-taking session. So yeah. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Dark Angel

Hey I'm back. I just realized that no one can vote on the poll any more cause the poll is closed. So, the most popular vote was My Dark Angel. So here it is. I'm giving you the link to googledox, so that you can open it and read the whole thing. Don't expect it to be good, done, perfect, grammatically correct, or anything else that falls under that category. If you have any suggestions, criticisms, or... notices, just tell me, it won't make me feel bad. So click HERE to read the book. 

And something else I wanted to tell you: my dad just found twenty dollars in my camera case that I didn't know I had!!! I love life at 11:30 at night. 

I am your favorite stranger

So, I know I've already posted today, but I wanted to tell you: twenty-five things that... I want to tell you.

1. My favorite thing to yell: I AM YOUR FAVORITE STRANGER!!!!! 
2. I have lost my pockets. Twice. The first time it took me a full five minutes of me frantically feeling around my legs before I realized that my pants were on inside out.
3. My favorite color is purple (really Kai? We had no idea! Oh great. Now I'm talking about myself in the third person.)
4. My nails (up until ten minutes ago, but don't worry, I'll do them again and put up pics) looked like strawberries.
5. I am bad at most of the things I like to do (obviously I don't care)
6. I know a person whose brother has the same name. 
7. I hate to text. The only time I do it is when one of my friends wants to talk to me. It makes me feel all teenagery. (is that a word?)
8. When I was younger, all my 'crushes' were actually people that I thought would make GREAT older brothers :). 
9. I'm in love with Peter Pan.
10. It is not unusual for me to read a book a night.
11. Steve is on the ceiling. 
12. I like to talk. Once I was at a restaurant with my friends and I was trying to tell them about a really cool science discovery. (the discovery was that Asbergers is a kind of autism, but that's off topic.) They told me to talk to 'Bob'. I didn't know where Bob was (but I knew he was imaginary'. I asked them where Bob was, and they told me he was on the ceiling. 
13. I have been to a pizza place and a starbucks in my pj's. 
14. I would love to be able to fly. 
15. When things are in CAPS, the little voice inside my head screams. 
16. I want an old type writer. 
17. When I'm seventeen, I want to go to South Africa and work at CARE, which is a place where you help baboons (in Africa it's legal to shoot one on-sight.)
18. I once heard a commercial that said 'be the first to try this blah-di-blah-thingy. It's proven to help you do whatever.'. My question: How can it be proven if no one has tried it yet???
19. Something I've done that no one has ever heard of: made a fire with three pieces of wood and a string. 
20. Once, I went on a trip for a week (to a place with NO electricity) and forgot to pack underwear. 
21. Steve is on the ceiling. 
22. I'm helping out with a preschool dance at my dancing school, and I get to be a sad caterpillar. YAY!!!! I love caterpillars. 
23. I found a new font that I love today. Wand to hear about it? Again? Just kidding, that would make me even more annoying than I am right now. (**gasp** is that even possible?**)
24. My goal in life is to be thought of as funny.
25. When I went to school for the TCAPS, the teacher almost sent a kid to ISS for telling a joke. Dead. Serious. 

May I quickly elaborate on my 'I'm your favorite stranger' screech??? Funnies. Thing. I've. Ever. Done. I was at this park with my family, and my brother dared me to yell it at a group of people that were passing us. I was feeling daring, so I plucked up my courage and shouted: I AM YOUR FAVORITE STRANGER!!!!! They all looked at me, so I yelled it again, a little louder this time. Then they looked straight forward and ran away. It was pretty awesome. 

If you have ever done something particularly hilarious, please comment and tell me, because I really want to try it. 

PS: I told my mom I would talk about how great she is if she let me post before I go to bed. So here goes: My mom is great. She is really great. I love my mom. I luv my mum =)
Hey all. I don't honestly have that much to tell you, other than I'm doing history with this new font, and it is AWESOME. It's called party LET, and I love it. 

The other thing I wanted to say, is that some of you voted (on the poll) that you wanted me to write something different... well, by mistake, I did. I was on my email and I started to write something because the sky was bright yellow (the storms have been really bad lately) and I felt like writing about rain. So I did. And here it is: 

I opened the screen door. It screeched to halt half way open. I stepped into the blowing wind, letting the rain drops lap my face. My barefoot feet went slowly down the steps; I almost didn't notice the movement. My toes scrunched into the mud, obscuring the chipped paint on my nails. I looked up into the 1920's Arkansas sky. 
"Dear God." I said softly, staring at the clouds. "How, if there is so much rain, can there be a dust bowl? How is it possible that farmers don't have enough food to farm? How is it that we don't have any money left? If you could try and explain things to me, that would be... wonderful. Thank you. Sincerely, Annie." 
I scrunched my eyes shut for a moment, and then opened them. I was almost surprised by the fact that I was sopping wet. The rain had gotten worse. Looking around, I realized what I'd done. 
I wasn't in front of the porch anymore, I had been walking the whole time, not even noticing. I forced my feet to stop moving, looking around into the gray. The warm rain started to pour down harder, and I could hardly see. 
I walked slowly forward, my arms out at my sides. I couldn't tell which way was up or down, it was all gray. I felt like I had stepped into a book that hadn't been written yet, like I was standing on a page that had no meaning. 
I walked forward even more, bumping into a tree. Have I really gone that far? I've walked all the way to the woods? I hated myself for being sick like this, and no one knew how to stop it. Ever since I was little, I would go places that I didn't know I'd gone to. I would walk without knowing, I wouldn't see what I was doing. And no doctor could help me. 
So now, and it was all my own fault, I was lost in the middle of the woods. 

I looked around, starting to feel the cold seep into my clothes and skin. I tried not to let panic overcome me. That was my flaw, I was easily panicked. My breath became more ragged as I saw how much all the trees looked alike. 
"It's alright." I told myself. "Wind in the leaves, Annie, wind in the leaves. Wind in the leaves. Wind in the leaves." I repeated the phrase over and over. 
That had been my 'special phrase' since I found out I had this... condition. Every now and then, when I got really worked up and frantic (which as also a part of this sickness) I said that phrase out loud until I calmed down. Aunt Millie says it sometimes, but mostly she didn't give a gnat about me. 
That thought didn't help with the panic. How long would it be before she realized that I was gone? "Wind in the leaves... Wind in the leaves." The phrase sounded more and more distant: I could barely hear myself over the rain. I looked around again. How long had I been out here? 
I wouldn't know, I didn't know when I had come. I closed my eyes, wanting to sit down and cry. But I couldn't sit down. Sitting down would be like admitting defeat. I squeezed my eyes shut again, this time willing the rain to disappear, so that maybe I could find my way back home. 
I kept my eyes closed this time. I didn't open them. I didn't think. I just stood there, wishing myself out. I took deep breaths, in and out. In and out. "Wind in the leaves. Wind in the leaves." 
But it wasn't working. For the first time in the world, my catch phrase wasn't working. My panic was only building. Then I realized the 'why' of everything. Not of my question to God or any of that, but why my catch phrase was failing. 
"Anyone would panic about this. Anyone who was lost in the woods in this storm would panic, it's not just me." I stopped repeating my phrase. I took a few more ragged breaths and opened my eyes. 
Who knew how I knew, but I did. I'd done it again. I'd worked my way farther into the woods with my eyes closed. I finally gave up then. I sat down. I laid down. I lay in the mud and sobbed, crying my heart out. 
When I finally stopped crying, I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky. It was starting to get dark. It would probably be about half-past-six. _Six thirty??? I'd left at four! 
I turned over completely so that the rain, coming faster and faster and faster, harder and harder, pelted my whole body. I started to cry again, forgetting myself and starting to chant my phrase once more. 
The wind picked up, and started to howl. I closed my eyes, wishing that I were home in my somewhat comfortable bed. I started to dream about my small room, with the small bed, and the small yellow lamp. 
I closed my eyes so tightly that I could almost see the yellow light. But... I opened my eyes. I could see the yellow light. It was the sickly yellow that made your stomach churn. I stared up at the scary-looking sky. 
The yellow was almost brighter than anything I'd ever seen before, except for that new paint that the rich people in New York City were coming up with. I stared up at the sky, suddenly having a flashback of the only other time I'd seen that yellow: 

The night Mum and Dad had died.

So yeah, that's it. 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hey everyone, it's Kai. I've been checking in over the past seven days to see where the comment contest had gone, and I am pleased to say that we had a winner. In second place, is Fearless Girl, who was 'fearless' enough to post 12 comments (excuse my bad commenting skills). In third place, is Golden Eagle, who posted 10 comments.  And in first place is...........


LillieJane!!!! Here's your prize, as promised, a polyvore set specifically made for you. Congratulations, and thanks to everyone for participating. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Heyhey tis me. So what I was thinking is that we should all have a 'blogger appreciation day' tomorrow. My vote is (not that we're holding a vote) that we all go on faceter and twitbook and googmail and AOle and tell everyone about our favorite blogs, trying to convince them to go there. Just because my goal is to have at least thirty followers by my 100 post celebration post. I've got ten posts left to reach my goal. ttfn (as tigger says)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So, thanks for commenting on the comment post. You all still have a few more days, right? Don't give up!!! Not sure if I made this clear, but I am going to make a cool polyvore set award for the person who comments the most. If you still haven't checked out the website, this is the link to my page: Home - Polyvore 

Okay, so. You probably don't know this, but I have started writing another book. (I know... I know.. you really don't want to hear about it) But haha, you have to. So, it's Peter Pan, but not. It's kind of like..... well..... nothing you've read of mine before. I would like to upload a book that I'm writing and show it to you all, but I can't decide which one. So, for the first time (hopefully), choose a book by it's cover and vote on the poll, and then when the poll expires I'll see which has the most votes. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

I got this off of Kenzy's blog, and for some reason the font won't go away.  

Top 3 (Official) Authors:
JK Rowling
Julia DeVillers
Victor Wooten

Top 3 male characters:
Ron Weasley
George Weasley
Septimus Heap
Peter Pan
Nicko Heap
Simon Heap (I know... I know... that's four...)

Top 3 female characters:
Ginny Weasley
Grabrielle Delacour
Jenna Heap

Top 30 fiction books/series in no particular order:
1.Harry Potter
2.Septimus Heap
3.The Witch of Blackbird Pond
4.Penny from Heaven
5.Percy Jackson 
7.Double Identity
8.The 39 Clues 
9.Anne of Green Gables
11.The Amaranth Enchantment
12.Peter Pan
13.Kira Kira
14.The Music Lesson
15.Project Paris
16.Summer at Jane's
18.Running Out of Time
19.Trading Faces
22.Scared to Death
23.Peter and the Starcatchers
24.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
26.Kalapana (Not a novel, but a GREAT book)
27. What a Beautiful Day (Same as the last)
28.Lily Dale
29.A Faraway Island
31.The Secret Garden
(That's 30, right?)

Top 3 books most recently read:
A Faraway Island
Running Out of Time

Worst 3 books ever read:
Devon Delanie's something (Sorry Kenz)
Clique (Sorry Quinny (=)
... that's only two, but... that's all I've got. I like most of the books that I read, and even these two I didn't not-like too badly. 

Top 5 scenes from any book:
1.Harry Potter... mostly... well... everything.
2.Kira Kira.... mostly everything again.
3.(WARNING: possible spoiler) Tennyson... where she finds out her mother's not coming back
4.Running Out of Time... the end of the book. 
The book(s) that made me cry the most:
Kira Kira (and I barely ever cry)

The book(s) that made me laugh the most:
The 39 Clues
Harry Potters

The book(s) that made me feel that best at the end:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Witch of Blackbird Pond

Contemporary or Historical?
I dunno...

Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror?
Not so sure about the 'horror' thing...

Hardback, Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback?
Dude, if it's a book, it's a book.

Barnes & Noble or Amazon?

Bookmark or dog-ear?
Neither. I memorize the page number. (but I do use bookmarks when I have to. Deface the book, and you have to deal with me)

Alphabetize by auther, alphabetize by title, or organize not at all?
The fictional series are by title, and the fictional books by author, but I haven't gotten to the  non-fiction yet...

Star Wars or Star Trek?
What the heck does this have to do with books?

Keep, Throw Away, or Sell?
Keep it. I'm starting a library from my home. 

Keep dust-jacket or toss it?

Read with dust-jacket or remove it?
I honestly don't know.

Little Women or Anne of Green Gables?
Never read LW, but the music ROCKS. As a book though, I'd say AoGG

Short story or novel?
Novel. But if the short story is good....

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
If I'm so tired that my eyes cross (it does happen) I stop. 

"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?

Tear Jerker or Belly Laugh?

Charlotte, Emily, or Anne Bronte?

Buy or Borrow?

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendations, or Browse?
Usually by browsing.

Collection (short stories by author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)?

Standalone or Series?

Tidy ending or Cliffhanger?
If it's a series, cliffhanger. and sometimes if it's a normal book, i MIGHT like a cliffhanger....

Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
All the time!

Favorite genre series?
Hmm.... Dunno

New or used?

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
All Kenzy's books. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Comment Contest

Okay, it's time for this to stop. You all need to suck up your pride and comment on my posts. At least tell me that you read them! So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make the best polyvore set that I can for whoever comments the most on this post in a week. Seven days. One week. Until next Saturday. Get it, got it, good. I don't mean to be bossy, it just happens that way. 

So yeah, that's pretty much it for now. Annnnndddddd, start commenting!!! (and it will only be checked on this post, so yeah. 

Comment Contest

Okay, it's time for this to stop. You all need to suck up your pride and comment on my posts. At least tell me that you read them! So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make the best polyvore set that I can for whoever comments the most on this post in a week. Seven days. One week. Until next Saturday. Get it, got it, good. I don't mean to be bossy, it just happens that way. 

So yeah, that's pretty much it for now. Annnnndddddd, start commenting!!! (and it will only be checked on this post, so yeah. 

Friday, April 16, 2010


So yeah, camp's started. It's pretty cool. To give you a feel for what goes on here, we have a segway. If you don't now what a segway is, look it up. Done yet? Good. Keep reading. So yeah, the segway's been a bunch of fun. Also, I've been driving something called a mule, but it's not the kind of mule that's a horse-donkey. It's a mix between a truck and a four wheeler. 

The food here is AMAZING. Seriously, we had coconut pudding for desert yesterday. Coconut! In pudding form! I've also had cheese chips. Not cheese-Y chips, chips made out of cheese. And then I had some dry pepperoni with it. Yum. 

This week, I have TCAPs. Sometimes I think TCAP stands for Torture 'Cause Adults Please. Then I realize that that makes no sense what so ever. Any way, every now and then I want to go to real school. Then I go and take tests there and realize that schoo
l is NO place for me. I mean, they were complaining about reading. Reading is the fun part. Yesterday was literature. It was relatively easy. The only spelling they had in it was the word 'Wendsday' (That was a joke, I know how to spell Wednesday). So yeah. Today was math. That's where it gets hard. It was okay, but I didn't like it very much. 

There was one part of the TCAPs that was about SAS and ASA. But I read all of the questions as ASA. I couldn't read anything other than that. I just couldn't. I knew three of the questions weren't all the same, but I could only read the same thing. Over and over and over. 
I've finished a ton of books lately. One was called Take Two by Julia DeVillers. It's awesome, but you have to read the first one (Trading Faces) to really get it. I also read Lynn-Visible by the same lady. I LOVE that book. I also finished a book called A Faraway Island by Annika Thor. I liked that one, and it's a series. The other one that I finished is called Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix. I also finished the book Simon Bloom the Gravity Keeper and Simon Bloom and the Octopus Effect by Michael Reisman.
I'm also reading a bunch of other books. I'm reading The Bronze Bow for school, by Elizabeth Speare. I'm also reading a Doctor who book, but I don't know who wrote it. I'm supposed to be reading The Crusible, but the print is soooo tiny I've been putting it off. Another book I'm reading is called Syren  by Angie Sage. It's the latest in the series called Septimus Heap. It's a great book so far, and I'm loving it. 

Something I'm proud of: I have alphabetized my fictional books that aren't in a series by author and the ones that are in a series by name. I haven't gotten to the non-fictions yet. 

Something I'm VERY excited about: The auditions for Seussical are on May 8th!!!!! HA! Thought I forgot about that, didn't you? Sike, I win! I remember, and now I'm more excited than ever. 

I'm also excited because it's possible that I go to Canada in a few months. That, I must say, would be kinda awesome. 
So yeah, I think that's all I have today, except there was a video that me and my brothers made (Star was busy FINISHING THE THIRD HARRY POTTER BOOK) during camp, but I can't upload it right now, the thingy's not working. 

PS, (Ha ha, you thought I was actually done) I was very proud of the fact that I braided my own hair and then put flowers in them. :) Pay no attention to the terrible picture of me, I was only thinking about the braids. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tags... again.

Argh. I've been tagged. Again! Oh well, I'm supposed to tell five 'secrets' about myself. Secrets??? I don't do secrets very well. In my head secrets bound around in my head and then make me feel guilty. So here are five:

1. I never had any celebrity crushes. As of this month, things have changed: Peter Pan, Theodore Chester, Freddie Highmore, and Haku (And yes, he's a cartoon).
2. When I was little I was totally convinced I could fly.
3. uhh.... When I was little all the 'crushes' I had were actually people that I wanted to be my older brother.
4. My ego is w-a-y bigger than I want it to be
5. I hate my toes.

Isn't that pitiful? So now I have to tag people. I don't like tagging people, but here we go. I tag:


Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey all, 'tis I. :) So my weekend was kinda hectic. Okay, a little bit more than hectic. But I suppose we can start with today, and then go on with my week. Right now I'm sitting in the orthopedic office because I mangled my arm (more to follow :P)

On Tuesday we started working on our eggdrop project. It's the traditional 'Don't Break the Egg' deal. My first three failed... Epicly. The next one was an epic win, so the epic kind of cancels out. First, I tried to fill a bouncy ball with cotton and an egg. I dropped that and the egg broke. Then I tried stuffing an egg up a stuffed bunny's mouth and then tied it's head up with bubble wrap (How's that for Easter spirit, hey?) and that one broke too. The last one I tried that day was I wrapped the egg in cotton and some felt, taped it too some cardboard wings, and dropped it on the floor. It broke. So yeah, those three weren't so great.

Some time during the week I found out that I had to make another egg drop to show on Friday. So I grabbed an old teddy bear, cut up it's stomach, tied two p
lastic-bag-parachutes to it's arms, taped the bear to a HE-UGE piece of cardboard. Then I tied two more parachutes to the 'wings'. That one worked. YAY!!!!

Thursday morning, we were getting ready for the dentist (Grrrr) and I went to go grab my Ipod. I hopped up on the bottom of my bunkbed and looped my arm through the metal bars instead of through like I usually do. I didn't realize my arm was stuck until I jumped. Just to back you up, I don't do the 'hurt' thing. I cry when I'm angry, and ignore it when I'm hurt. But it *really* hurt this time, so we went to the dentist, and then to the doctor. They said i
t wasn't broken, but we're at the doctor's office again right now getting it x-rayed (Spelling???). Oi to the world. So yeah, I had a wonderful Thursday...

Then Friday was fun and Saturday was cool and Sunday was awesome. My parents run a camp, and I get to help out some. Well, that camp starts tomorrow, and so there are all these people that are at my house and at the camp grounds. My grandmother and her friends are here, so we're having a blast. There will hopefully be tons of pictures of camp if I get the chance to take a few good ones. So yeah, that was my Sunday.

Now, I'm sitting at the doctor's office and writing about my week. My dad
came back from MD. He runs the camp mainly, so he kind of has to be here...

Fun Fat: Einstein was mentally ill. When they looked at his brain after his death, they found out that his was different than everyone else's.

This is a crazy polyvore set that I made. It's messy and crazy and I
think it's rather cool.

Soooooooo yeah. That's mostly it for now... Unless-- OH YEAH!!!

Fun Fact: Even though everyone knew Einstein was a genius, no one would let him on the board that was working with the nuclear bombs during WWII. They said it was because he was German, but he was also Jewish.

Okay, now I remember what I wanted to say. A really cool book just came out, it's the eighth 39 Clues book. It's a fun series, not really that sophisticated, but I like it. I have all of them, and I like them because they intertwine history with mystery. (Hey that rhymes!)

Here is a list of some of my favorite names:
Justin Case
Justin Time
Chuck E. Cheeze
Miss Terry Case (read that one a little bit faster than the others and it'll make sense)
Tess T. Mony
Tess L. Ation

I'm hoping that everyone understands the last one. If not, I can explain. The word 'tessellation' is hard to explain without a picture, so look at the picture and then keep

reading. Done looking yet? Well a tessellation is when one shape is repeated many times in a pattern. So yeah.

Okay, so when I wrote that, I was at the doctor. I'm not any more. That was yesterday. I'm fine, nothing's broken, I'll live. Camp started today, and so... yeah. Hopefully I'll have more to talk about later.

Friday, April 9, 2010

K. So, it's been a while, but here I am. I didn't post intentionally, hoping that at least ONE of you would comment on my last post. Oh well, didn't work. So yeah. My water's fixed, that's no longer a problem. 

Something funny that happened to me the other day: We had a plumber who was at our house. (I know what you're thinking. 'Um....' just keep reading) I was doing my nails, I was done with school. I was putting my name on my fingernails (I know I know, ten isn't divisible by three) with nailpolish and I had just finished. I walked out to the deck to show my mom. She was talking with the plumber (just wait, it gets funnier). "Look what I did Mom?" and I showed her my hands. The plumber looks over with interest (A not-so-thin guy who was my Mom's age) and says "You know, next time you should try using markers, they go on much thinner." I felt so dumb. The plumber was giving me tips on how to do my nails. I will never judge a plumber by it's cover ever again.

Random fact: if you squeeze an egg at EGG-ZACTLY  the point and blunt edges, it won't break. 

Easter was a bunch of fun. We went to one of my BEST friend's house for a party. (Addiecat) It was a blast, and we stayed till dark. The next day we went with one of my GREATEST friends (she's also our old nanny) ever to see Alice in Wonderland. Her husband and mom came with us. It was really good, I liked it a lot. 

Still super excited about Seussical. Cant. Wait. I've been writing a new book, but I haven't told anyone yet. Actually, you all are the first to hear about it. I'm not going to show anyone until one or two chapters are done, and you guys have to ask for it. I'm not sure whether it will work out, so I don't want to jinx it. 

Random fact: Some people think that the story of Peter Pan is from the German genre of the 'Tales of the Dead Children'. That would mean that Peter and everyone in Neverland are actually dead and in their afterlife. That is one of my least favorite facts ever. I don't want it to be true. :(

So one more thing. Backup story: I sleep in a bunk bed. beside the bunk bed is a book shelf where I keep my Ipod. So yeah, back to the story. I was going to get my Ipod off of my shelf, and I hopped up on the lower bunk bed. I didn't realize it, but I looped my left arm through the metal bars of my bunk bed. I grabbed my Ipod and did what I normally did: jumped. My arm was still stuck. So yeah, it got messed up. It hurts to move it and use it in pretty much every way. 

So yeah, that's my week. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

So yeah, it's April Fool's Day. I've been foolish enough to not get anyone, but I sure have been gotten enough. Kenzy told me that her dog had been hit by a car. Both of my dogs have been hit by cars, so I flipped out. Then my mother told me that they weren't doing Seussical. I freaked. My sister told me that she didn't brush her teeth, and I just looked at her like she was from Outer-Kai's Bubble-Space. 

So yeah. The interest of today was that people are putting natural gas lines in my neighborhood. That would be great, but they are absolutely TEARING UP my woods. I hate it. And then, today, my parents realized that they (for years) had been under the impression that the water well was on the other side of the house from where it actually is. So, when they were digging the lines, they hit the water well, and so we don't have water, and it's indefinite when we'll have our water back. So, no showers for me. 

My most recent obsession is Peter Pan. I'm not so sure how I feel about Jeremy Sumpter, but I absolutely LOVE Peter. When I was younger, I used to yell at my mom for suggesting that it was possible that I couldn't fly. I used to stay awake for hours at night and prac
tice the way Wendy (Mora Angela Darling) would sit up and accept that Peter wasn't real and then fall back to bed again. I also memorized most of Wendy's lines, thinking that I would absolutely be Wendy when I grew up. I cried (and I'm not a crying person) every time I watched the movie, and I hated Wendy at times for making Peter mad. 

I created a shrine to the movie on polyvore, and I'm sure it took me forever, I just didn't notice. I found it SO interesting to look and see what pictures I could find from the movie to use. If you've seen the movie multiple times, you will notice that Wendy has on so much lip gloss that her lips were chapped my the end of the movie. Or that her dress changes throughout the movie. Or that the two lost boys who 'smack heads' in the very beginning don't actually touch each other. Or the fact that TinkerBell is French. I. Love. That. Movie. 

So yeah, that's been my day since I last blogged. 
There's nothing that new going on around the house, but my five year old brother is devoted to trying out for the elephant bird in Seussical. I figured out what I'm singing for the audition. It's from the show, and it's called Notice Me, Horton. It's such a FUNNY/SWEET song. I LOVE it. 

There are a lot of things I love. Here's a list:
Cheese, Kira-Kira, Tennyson, baby baboons, musical theater, books, pictures, music, acting, HARRY POTTER, salsa, writing, Seussical the Musical, art class, playing piano, traveling, randomness, nail p
olish, singing, converse, my bed, my house-bag, Pete school, chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, chocolate covered hazel nuts, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered anything, polyvore, water, swimming, ballet flats, sun glasses, HARRY POTTER, and much much much much much MORE :) 

Earlier today I drew a dark mark on my left arm. Pictures??? Oh yeah. 

(ps, earlier, my dark mark started ***burning***!!! I was all 'oh my gosh The Dark Lord is calling me from the grave!!!')