My Polyvore Sets

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Hello world. This week has been long. Remember Seussical? Well I missed the auditions, and the director couldn't find the time to let me audition somewhere else. So now I missed my shot at the role. I'm still in it though, and I *am* thankful for that. 

My little sister and my little brother got in to, even though none of us auditioned. The director has seen me work before though, so she knows that we'll be okay... Hopefully... I'm really disappointed that I didn't get the role of Gertrude, but I guess it's not the end of the world. Well, not the real world, just the little itty bitty one in
side my small limited mind. Anyway, rehearsals start to

My love for Doctor Who is still plain and living, but it has been joined by another character from the series, and that would be his daughter, Jenny. She's the typical 'cute and blonde' type girl, with an edge that makes everybody love her. The sad part is is that in the end everyone **spoilers** thinks she's dead until she comes back to life. Love her. 
(yeah. That's her.)

I'm writing *another* story, so vote and tell me whether to upload it or not. 


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