My Polyvore Sets

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I am so. Not. Happy. Did I tell you that the city is flooded? Yeah, it is. Well, the auditions for Seussical were supposed to be today. Yeah, remember that? May 8th? Seussical? Well it was supposed to be today, at 2-5. Because of the flood, they didn't have the auditions, and my dad's saying that they might not do the show. 

So now I think I might die. Not literally, but emotionally, like when the used-to-be sunny blue sky turns murky and gray. Why might this kill me? Because I wanted to do three other shows and I didn't even try out for any of them because I was so sure of this one. And now it might not happen. 

My new obsession is the show GLEE. It's really funny. My favorite character is Rachel Berry. She's almost who I would like to be. She. Rocks. I like the I-only-wear-sweaters-with-animals-and-argyle-on-them-and-I-am-way-over-dramatic-with-no-sense-of-popularity. She makes me smile. 

I JUST GOT AN ARGYLE SWEATER. I l.o.v.e it. It's green and black and white and gray and awesome. I got it last night, right after a wedding. 

It was so much fun, because both the bride and groom were musicians, so there was a LOT of music going on. Me and my sister sang a song that we learned (the day before the wedding) for the wedding, and it turned out pretty well. I taught the bride a new dance which is kind of ironic because she's a dancer. I wore my really pretty dress that I wore to the Jimmy Awards and some new denim wedge heels. It was fun because it was country themed, so I got to square dance. There was also a waltz (I waltzed with my dad's friend John. It was SO much fun even though I'm terrible at waltzing with someone else). There was this one boy who was about my age, and it was incredible hilarious because he followed me around all night. He seemed nice enough and he had a REALLY cute little sister. 

The best part though, was the fact that our friend George (who I hadn't met untill last night and I kept calling George Weasley because he's my favorite male Weasley) was wearing a GRYFFINDOR tie, and his father was wearing a HUFFLEPUFF tie and someone else was wearing a RAVENCLAW tie and another one was wearing a SLYTHEREN tie. It was epic. 

By far the funniest thing happened sort of over time. Mom had gone to get my brothers some dress clothes during the wedding rehearsal that me and Star had to go to to make sure we new what we were doing. Mom had our clothes, so I was stuck in my shorts and t-shirt until she got back. Well, It was 4:55, and the wedding was supposed to start at 5. Finally Mom gets there, and I had to RUN to the car and grab my dress and shoes. Then I RAN  back inside to the bathroom to change. Once I was done, I went **back** outside to find my family. On my way back **in** one of the men who worked there and was holding the door for people and opened the door for me, looking at me like I was funny. I smiled at him, and he said "Wow! You change fast!" I felt special. 

Have you ever heard of the 39 clues? Well consider yourself enlightened. It's a great mystery series, including two kids, one 14 and one 11. I have all eight books and all three card packs. I'm almost obsessed. Dad also got us the Avatar movie on BLUE RAY. **jumps around and sings happily** we're going to watch it soon. 

1 comment:

  1. I've never really looked at 39 Clues (because of the card thing) but I've read Percy Jackson.
